Creativity often consists of merely turning up what is already there. Did you know that right and left shoes were thought up only a little more than a century ago?
Welcome to Our Website

We, at AppFactor believe in doing the small things - and leave the great things to take care of themselves.
Though situated in Pakistan our major target is the offshore market and we primarily develop customized business as well as data acquisition and monitoring applications.
We follow a customized development process, which has been highly optimized by constant monitoring over the last ten years, placing a high emphasis on minimizing in-field defect rates.
Whu Choose Us

AppFactor was created to address the need for professional IT Consulting, Web Development services and Software Development. We enable you to become more efficient, streamline your operations, and grow to your true potential with the power of technology.
Unlike other Software and Web Development companies, iTech strives to partner with your business to implement solutions that you need. We do not try and sell any unnecessary services. If you're successful, we're successful.

Iphone Development
iphone, ipad and ipod development

We are excited to design and develop successful applications for iPhone and iPod Touch and now for iPad. Applications that we built hit excellent rankings of Apple App Store in overall chart in both paid and free sections as well as App Store categories.
Android Development
appfactor is actively involved in android development

AppFactor also offers specific development services for the Android platform. Our mobile experts have recognized experience in mobile application development, using both the Java language and Android framework.
Web Development
web applications, back-end solutions,facebook applications

A site is not about making a page, or putting few images and text, shaking few A's and O's or adding some color and sound and uploading it up on some server. Web is an industry. It is a way to represent your image and brand.